


These Terms Of Service regulate the relations between "GTA Bid & Play" Ltd, a trading company, with its registered office and management address: Republic of Bulgaria, Chervena voda village 7051, 13 Tsar Kaloyan Street, registered in The commercial register at the Registration Agency with EIC 207826582, with VAT number BG207826582, e-mail: office@playbelot.com, The company in the capacity of "Administrator" of the website top-pop-games.com and the Users of the services on the website top-pop-games.com.

The Terms Of Service determine the manner of conducting online games on the website top-pop-games.com and apply to all organized internet games on this site. The games offered by TopPopGames do not constitute "gambling games" within the meaning of the current Gambling Act. All games offered for use on the website top-pop-games.com are intended for leisure, relaxation and entertainment, with an educational function and are intended to demonstrate the skills and dexterity of users of the site.

By using the website top-pop-games.com, any application, menu, category or sub-category, section or sub-section thereof, as well as with the creation, development and termination of any legal relationship arising as a result of the use of this site, you provide your written consent to be bound by these Terms Of Service for the use of the site, as well as by all other Special Terms and Conditions regulating separate legal relationships conditioned by its use.

In the cases indicated in the previous sentence, you also give your consent, if necessary, to the collection, processing and storage for the purposes of the site and the legal relationships determined by it, of the personal data provided by you, in accordance with the Law on protection of personal data and the by-laws on its implementation.

The binding of the General and Special Conditions is applicable both to the current configuration of the site and to all changes made to it in the form of additions and amendments or the introduction of new applications, menus, categories, sections and others. If you do not agree with the above or do not wish to provide your consent to be bound by the General and/or Special Terms and Conditions of the site, you are not permitted to visit it, use it or be a party to legal relations determined by it.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, through posting on the site and acceptance by you, your Agreement with us always includes, at a minimum, the General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms set forth in this document. They are hereinafter referred to as the „Terms Of Service“.

Your agreement with us includes both the Terms of Service and the mandatory legal requirements, from the current Bulgarian legislation, applicable to the functioning of the site.

When (Special) Additional Terms apply to an application and/or service, you can familiarize yourself with them either in the service itself or by using it.

The General together with the Special (Additional) Terms constitute a valid and legally binding agreement between you and the Administrators of top-pop-games.com regarding your use of the site. It is important that you take the time to read them carefully.

If there is a contradiction between the General and the Special (Additional) conditions, the Special (Additional) conditions take precedence.

The English version of the site is provided only for convenience, if there is a contradiction between what is stated in the English version and the Bulgarian version, the text in Bulgarian takes precedence.

If you have any questions and/or comments regarding our site, you may contact us using the contact information posted in the "Contact" section of our front page.


1.1. top-pop-games.com is the website of the game Bellot and other similar games under development, referred to as "the site" or "Top Pop Games" for short.

1.2. PLAYBELOT is a Belot game application, referred to as the "Application" for short.

1.3. SERVER is the location where the Application is installed and is a device and/or system of connected devices on which or any of which system software is installed to perform tasks related to storing, processing, receiving or transmitting information.

1.4. REGISTERED PLAYER is a player registered in the system of top-pop-games.com with an e-mail or a profile on the social network "Facebook".

1.5. UNREGISTERED PLAYER is a player who can use the top-pop-games.com system as a guest, referred to as a "guest" for short.

1.6. ADMINISTRATORS OF THE SITE are the commercial company - owner of the site, according to the Preamble, as well as representatives of the site authorized by it, who have the right to monitor the games and communication (chat) of the players, to observe the behavior of the players on the site, to punish and reward players, as well as control the implementation of these Terms of Service.

1.7. USERS are individuals over 18 (eighteen) years of age, with the right to register as a Registered Player or Guest, who use the services provided and/or resources provided by the site.

1.8. ACCOUNT is the set of data that the user provides during registration, through which he is uniquely identified in the system, including all virtual points, chips, acquired during and/or on the occasion of the user's participation in the games. profits, etc.

1.9. CHAT PLATFORM is the platform that allows players to use private and general messages to other players on the site.

1.10. CHIPS are virtual points created to determine the different skill level of the players.

1.11. SUBSCRIPTIONS are different options for purchasing chips on a subscription basis, described in the module Buying Chips and Subscriptions.

1.12. RANKLISTS are players statistically sorted by virtual chips won from games since their last zero state.

1.13. TOURNAMENTS are the holding of tour games in a certain period, described in rules for holding tournaments.

1.14. ACCIDENTAL EVENT is an unforeseen circumstance of an extraordinary nature, beyond the control of the Administrators, which makes the provision of services on the site objectively impossible.

1.15. FORCE MAJEURES are natural disasters such as, but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, storms, torrential rains and hurricane-force winds, strikes, riots, terrorist attacks, days of national mourning, bans and restrictions imposed by state or municipal authorities and similar unforeseeable and/or unpreventable events of an extraordinary nature beyond the control of Administrators and users.


2.1. Users can register on the site with an e-mail and password or use Facebook registration, creating an account in the Top-pop-games system and its related applications.

2.1.1. Each user, upon registration on the website, receives an account, and one user is entitled to have more than one account, provided that he registers each account with a different email address.

2.2. Every user registered as a player (Registered Player) has the right to play in the games of the site, use the chat platform of the games, buy chips or subscriptions, participate in the rankings of the game, to participate in tournaments and in other similar activities and opportunities provided by the site. The user has the rights under the previous sentence, subject to his acceptance and compliance with the conditions and access requirements set forth in these Terms of Use.

2.3. Every guest user has the right to use the games under limited conditions. He cannot use the chat platform, buy chips and participate in rankings and tournaments.

2.4. Each registered player agrees to receive e-mails, without a universal electronic signature, commercial and other communications, about news and promotions related to the site. No feedback is provided to guest users.

2.5. Registration on the site is voluntary, free of charge, and each user has the right to play for an unlimited time, at his own will and desires, with his own style and approach to a given game, but so that he does not interferes with the peaceful use of the games on the site by other users, as well as does not violate these Terms of Service.


3.1. The users have no right to use obscene words, insults on the site on a racial, ethnic, religious or sexual basis, as well as on the basis of gender, age and education, and this also applies to those used by them usernames

3.2. Each user with his registration on the site declares, declares and undertakes:

- Not to distribute and publish on the site photos, video materials and any other images and text materials with foreign copyrights, as well as with other legally protected rights of third parties, without the express consent of the owner or user of these rights;

- Not to distribute and publish on the site photos, video materials and any other images and visions in which third parties are present who have not expressly given their consent to this;

- Not to distribute content that is offensive, offensive to good morals, indecent, pornographic, violent, aggressive, indecent, inciting hatred and intolerance, suggesting ethnic, religious, racial, political, national intolerance or any form of violence or otherwise violating fundamental constitutional rights, legal and by-law provisions and/or protected rights and legal interests of others;

- Not to distribute and publish on the site photos, video materials and any other images and textual materials containing confidential information or that affecting the interests of third parties, regardless of whether it is true, false or misleading.

- Not to distribute and publish on the site photos, video materials and any other images and textual materials that may damage the mental, physical or moral development of minors or minors or any other content unsuitable for persons under 18 - years old;

- That only he/she bears full responsibility for the photos (images), video materials and any other materials published by him/her on the site;

- He is informed, understands and agrees that the virtual chips in the games are intended only and exclusively for the games on the site, that the chips have no actual nominal value and are not converted into real money, nor into non-monetary objective tangible performances.

- Not to register usernames close in meaning to those used by the administrators of the site (such as any names derived or close in meaning to admin, support and the like that may mislead that they are of the administrator team) or other names by which the user could present himself as an authorized person from the site without actually having such representative authority. In the event that a User registers such, their account(s) may be deleted without notice, and all virtual rights and assets acquired with such account(s) will be forfeited.

3.3. The user of the site undertakes not to perform malicious actions, expressed in actions or inactions, violating good morals and ethical rules related to the Internet space or causing harm to persons connected to the Internet or associated networks, sending unsolicited mail (unsolicited commercial messages, spam), advertising, flooding message channels, gaining access to resources with foreign rights and passwords or indirectly interfering with the game of another user/foreign account and any malicious actions towards another user, using flaws in systems for one's own benefit or obtaining information (hack), performing actions that can be qualified as industrial espionage or sabotage, damaging or destroying systems or information arrays (crack), sending "Trojan horses" or causing the installation of viruses or remote control systems, disrupting the normal work of other Internet users and associated networks, performing any actions or omissions that can be qualified as a crime or an administrative violation under Bulgarian legislation.

3.4. he user of the site undertakes not to impersonate another person or group of people that he is not authorized to represent, or otherwise mislead third parties about his identity or his affiliation to a certain group of people.

3.5. Not to violate the personal dignity of other users of the site and not to discriminate against them on the basis of age, religion, ethnicity, political, gender, sexual or other grounds, as well as not to incite to violation of the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.

3.6. Not to log into someone else's account without the knowledge and consent of the account owner. In case of such entry or indirect interference in the game of another user/foreign account/ and any malicious actions towards another user, the offender is punished by deleting his own account and taking away all available virtual points, chips and rankings.

3.7. Not to use any tricks and/or technical means to obtain confidential information from other users, such as passwords and any other type of information that should not normally be accessed have access;

3.8. Users are not allowed to send insults, slanders and/or threats to the administrators and/or to other users of the site, regardless of the type, place and time they are sent .

3.9. Arrogant and aggressive behavior by one or more users towards another user, in order to force the other user to delete their account or perform other actions under threat and pressure against their will, is prohibited.

3.10. Without the express written consent given by an authorized representative of the Administrators, Users are not allowed to carry out advertising activity on the site, as well as in the games, regardless of whether this is done in the form of advertisements in the chat , in user names, in the form of text, banners, links, pictures, avatars, in the exchange of messages between users, etc. and whether it is done with the consent of the advertised person (the owner of the advertised brand) or not. Any type of advertising or other type of commercial communications, within the meaning of the Law on Radio and Television, spam and unsolicited mail, for which the user has not received the express consent of the Administrators, is prohibited.

3.11. Users are not allowed to engage in unsportsmanlike behavior in the form of tipping, simulation game of transferring chips from one account to another and other similar actions that are contrary to these Terms of Use and are contrary to the generally known rules of the game "Belot".

3.12. Users undertake to respect the good tone of communication, to respect their opponents and teammates and, in case of communication problems of any of the other players, to wait patiently until a moment when they are really convinced, that their opponent will not resume play.

3.13. Any violation of the prohibitions and restrictions under this section established by the Administrators is punished by deleting the account of the user who committed the violation, confiscation of all available virtual points, chips, etc. at the relevant time. , associated with this account, as well as blocking access to the site, and any responsibility of the Site Administrators for these actions is excluded.

3.14. In case of a minor violation, which is assessed unilaterally by the Administrators, the user who committed the violation may be imposed a lighter penalty than that provided for in item 3.13.

3.15. In the event that the Administrator suffers any damages due to a violation committed by a user when using the site, the Administrator has the right to receive from the violator compensation for all other damages that he suffered as a result of the corresponding violation, including, but not limited to, all possible fines and sanctions imposed on him by the competent Bulgarian authorities and authorities.

3.16. Each user agrees that he is solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of the materials and messages he posts on the site and/or sends to other users who use the services provided by site.

3.17. The user undertakes not to disclose his password to third parties and is responsible for creating all the necessary conditions and taking the necessary care to prevent unauthorized access by third parties to his password and to the site top-pop-games.com using his account. Administrators are not responsible for any unauthorized access to your account by persons other than you and without your express consent, including in cases where, as a result of such unauthorized access, your account is substantially altered, deleted or otherwise obliterated or, if the accumulated virtual points, chips, winnings etc. be used by the person without the right of access for purposes other than yours.

3.18. Administrators are not responsible if someone learns the username, e-mail and/or password of a user and uses it to obtain information, change or delete that user's account. In addition, the Administrators are not liable to users for direct, indirect, incidental damages, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from realized loss and/or lost profits and other lost benefits, loss of data or other losses such as result of: the use or inability to use the services of the site, actions or omissions of any third parties in connection with the services of the site and any other matter related to the services offered on the site.

3.19. Each user undertakes to regularly check for changes to these Terms of Use. In the event that a part of these conditions is amended and/or supplemented and the user does not agree with this amendment/supplement, he is obliged to notify the Site Administrators in writing within 7 days from the date of publication of the amendment and/ or the Addendum or to immediately delete his registration and his account, taking full responsibility for all possible adverse consequences that arise for him, including the possible loss of virtual and/or real money. In the event that the user has not notified the Administrator in writing of his disagreement, the period indicated above, and/or has not deleted his registration and his account, it is considered that the user fully agrees with the amendment and/or addition of the General Terms and Conditions for use.


4.1. Administrators have the right to monitor the conduct of the games on the site and the chat of the registered players, but the Administrators have no obligation to control the way each user uses the site and the games, and the Administrators are not responsible for the activity of users in connection with the use of the site and the games. Administrators have no obligation to monitor the information stored on their servers, nor to search for facts and circumstances indicating the performance of illegal activity by users through the use of the site and games.

4.2. Administrators have the right to place on any of the pages of the site and in the games electronic references, advertising banners and other forms of commercial communications for goods and services offered by Top Pop Games or third parties , as well as electronic links and advertising banners pointing to websites outside the control of the Administrators. The administrators are not responsible for the content, accuracy and legality of similar websites or resources, as well as for services or resources that have become available to the user when using the site and/or games, as well as for the content, accuracy and legality of the information in the electronic text messages sent and received by the users and in the comments published by them.

4.3. Administrators have the right to send unsolicited commercial messages to users of the site, including through the electronic messaging system between users incorporated into the site and/or the games, in order to offer information, advertisements or other form of commercial communications regarding its own goods and/or services offered by others, to make inquiries on a variety of issues, to conduct surveys and others. By accepting these Terms of Use, each user agrees to receive unsolicited commercial communications from Top Pop Games Site Administrators.

4.4. Administrators have the right unilaterally and without giving a warning to stop a user's access to the site or/and the games, to temporarily limit a user's access to the site/games or to individual parts of it, block his communication in the chat as well as temporarily deprive him of virtual chips, the right to virtual bets or other rights and/or benefits, according to the rules of the relevant game on the site, especially in cases of incorrect play, attempts to cheat, in this number, but not limited to, the use of dishonest, disrespectful and/or other methods for the purpose of manipulation of results on the site or games and/or violation of these Terms of Use, good manners or other applicable norms of Bulgarian legislation.

4.5. In the event that the user does not use the site and the games for a period of more than 90 days from the date of his registration, the Administrators have the right, but not the obligation, to suspend access him to the Site and Games, terminate his registration and/or delete from their servers all content he has hosted and created with the unused account.

4.6. Administrators have the right to unilaterally amend and supplement these Terms of Service.


5.1. Administrators are not responsible for damages caused by blocking the server, interruption of the Internet connection, losses caused by unsportsmanlike and incorrect behavior of users, punishments of players due to non-compliance with these Terms Of Service.

5.2. The Administrators are not responsible if, due to technical reasons or for other reasons beyond the control of the Administrators, including due to force majeure and/or an accidental event, access to the site is temporarily restricted and/or unavailable, as well as if it results in harm to users regarding accumulated points, chips, etc.

5.3. Site administrators are not responsible for user-user relationships. In the event of a dispute between two or more users, the disputants may contact the Administrators only if they believe that a user is violating these Terms of Service.

5.4. Administrators are not responsible for the content of messages that users exchange on the chat platform, as well as for the rest of the content of photos, video materials or other materials that users may post on site.

5.5. Administrators are not responsible for what content each individual user accesses through the site.

5.6. The responsibility of the Administrators is excluded for any adverse consequences that may arise for the burden of one and/or more users as a result of their access to the site and use of the services , offered there.


6.1. The administrators have an obligation to fulfill the legal requirements, according to the current Bulgarian legislation, in connection with the administration of the site.

6.2. To sanction, according to Section Three, item 3.13, in conjunction with Section Four, item 4.4, users who violate these Terms of Use.

6.3. To publish on the site all amendments and additions to these Terms of Use.


7.1. All games, services offered on the site, including the method of production, functioning, appearance, design, are protected objects of copyright and its related rights. Users may copy portions of the content solely for their own personal use and only to the extent that doing so does not infringe upon the copyrights and protected trademarks and trademarks published on top-pop-games.com.

7.2. The use of logos, trademarks and other signs on the site are the property of "Plastic Sofia" OOD or is carried out with the express consent of the owners of these trademarks, logos and signs. Users are prohibited from taking any action that may result in the infringement of intellectual property rights associated with these trademarks, logos and marks. In particular, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is expressly stated that the provision of the possibility to use the site and its content by users does not constitute any authorization or license to use the trademarks, logos and signs placed on it.

7.3. Any attempts to modify the content of the site by users are strictly prohibited. By modifications it is understood that users place on the site content that is not necessary for the purposes of registration and has not been previously approved by the Administrators and/or change the rules of participation in the games, including by offering bets that are not insignificant in terms of within the meaning of the Gambling Act and, in this sense, any action or inaction by users that may result in any change to the entirely non-gambling nature of the games offered on top-pop-games.com is prohibited.

7.4. Users of top-pop-games.com may access the Site from third party sites on the Internet by directly embedding the Games or otherwise. Third-party sites are not under the supervision or control of the Administrators, therefore, the latter are not responsible for the content of third-party websites and all their representations and are not responsible or give any guarantees regarding the security of their information of any kind. Administrators are not responsible for any damages incurred on third-party sites as a result of the use of applications (games) from the site. Administrators reserve the right to suspend access to games on third party sites they deem appropriate.

7.5. The site top-pop-games.com may contain links to other websites, and other websites may contain links to the website top-pop-games.com. Visiting these other pages through possible links on the site top-pop-games.com is done entirely at the responsibility and risk of each individual user and the responsibility of the Administrators in this direction is excluded.


8.1. Current Bulgarian legislation applies to unresolved issues in these Terms of Service.

8.2. In the event of disputes between the Administrators and the user and/or users, the disputes should be resolved through negotiations, in case no agreement is reached, the dispute will be resolved by the competent Bulgarian court.

8.3. If any of the clauses of these Terms of Use are declared invalid by a competent court, arbitration or other competent body, the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use, as well as the rights arising on their basis and obligations of the parties, remain in effect.

These Terms of Use were adopted on 01.01.2015 and were published on the site top-pop-games.com on 01.30.2015.